This is a 530 conversion for a 1979 CB750F
When converting from a 630 to 530, the exact chain length needed has not been determined. Keep in mind that at 630 chain has a pitch of 3/4" and a 530 has a 5/8", so 104 links of a 530 chain is about the same 86 pitches of a 630 chain (104 x 6.25=65", 86 x .75= 64.5") The other factor to consider is that 530 sprockets of the same tooth size are smaller in diameter that 630, so less length is needed to wrap around it. A safe formula to use is the multiply the number of links used of your 630 set up by 1.2 when converting to 530, and shorten the chain as necessary when fitting it on the motorcycle
Specs for Sunstar 40 Tooth Rear Sprocket - 2-533840
Chain Size 530
Number of Teeth 40
Position Rear
Type Sprocket - Steel
Type Sprocket - Rear
1995 Honda CB1000
1994 Honda CB1000
1983 Honda CB1100F
1982 Honda CB750F Super Sport
1981 Honda CB750F Super Sport
1980 Honda CB750F Super Sport
1979 Honda CB750F Super Sport
1982 Honda CB900F Super Sport
1981 Honda CB900F Super Sport
1996 Honda CBR1000F
1995 Honda CBR1000F
1994 Honda CBR1000F
1993 Honda CBR1000F
1991 Honda CBR1000F
1990 Honda CBR1000F
1988 Honda CBR1000F Hurricane
1987 Honda CBR1000F Hurricane
1982 Honda CBX 1000 Super Sport
1981 Honda CBX 1000 Super Sport
1980 Honda CBX 1000 Super Sport
1984 Honda VF1000F Interceptor
1986 Honda VF1000R
1985 Honda VF1000R
1985 Honda VF700F Interceptor
1984 Honda VF700F Interceptor
2003 Honda VF750C Magna
2002 Honda VF750C Magna
2001 Honda VF750C Magna
2000 Honda VF750C Magna
1999 Honda VF750C Magna
1998 Honda VF750C Magna
1997 Honda VF750C Magna
1996 Honda VF750C Magna
1995 Honda VF750C Magna
1994 Honda VF750C Magna
2000 Honda VF750C2 Magna Deluxe
1999 Honda VF750C2 Magna Deluxe
1998 Honda VF750C2 Magna Deluxe
1997 Honda VF750C2 Magna Deluxe
1996 Honda VF750CD Magna Deluxe
1995 Honda VF750CD Magna Deluxe
1984 Honda VF750F V45 Interceptor
1983 Honda VF750F V45 Interceptor
1986 Honda VFR700F Interceptor
1987 Honda VFR700F2 Interceptor
1986 Honda VFR700F2 Interceptor
1986 Honda VFR750F 750 Interceptor